POEM: Re: My Silence.

Maranda Elizabeth
2 min readApr 3, 2017


{image description: My left hand, pale and white, grasping the handle of a grimy turquoise milkcrate. I have long nails. They’re painted neon orange, except for my middle finger, which is painted a shade of pale purple called Wild Lilac. There’s a pink white-noise-machine with round buttons on top the milkcrate, and a purple zebra-print notebook cover is visible through the diamond-shaped slats. In the background are scattered papers and electrical cords.}

Re: My Silence

You want to take your resilience,

put it in a box

and ship it away.

The first time she told you you were resilient

You felt special

You felt strong

You felt like you were exiting a funeral

dressed to kill.

Resiliency became your pet

A black cat, a shadow, a pillow


Then it became a fence.

Then it became a wall.

Then it became a ______.

You rearranged the letters, left a few behind


Added, subtracted, multiplied like baking a

vegan version of an old family recipe







The word became everything and nothing

Scrambled like memories on mood stabilizers

Confetti at a party you don’t know who to invite

Resilience was your long nails when you took your vitamins

And the unbreakable milkcrates you built your furniture with

Resilience began as a password

And then it became a buzzword, a brand,

an excuse.


P.S.: If you’ve benefited from my writing in any way — if my words have inspired you, helped you feel less alone, or sparked some weird feeling within you; if you’ve felt encouraged, or curious, or comforted — please consider compensating me by offering a donation of any amount. Whether you’ve been reading my writing for years, or just stumbled into me this afternoon, I invite you to help me sustain the process! PayPal.me/MarandaElizabeth



Maranda Elizabeth

Writer, zinester, high school dropout, cripple-goth, amethyst-femme, weirdo, capital-C Crazy. BPD, c-(p)TSD, fibro. Reclaiming borderline. My pronoun is THEY.